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SJ CAMP Profile Form
IMPORTANT: Please fill out all the required fields (Name of Cultural Asset, First and Last Name, Email, and State) and fill out the other fields as much as possible.

Welcome to the South Jersey Cultural Asset Mapping Project (SJ CAMP)! SJ CAMP connects the South Jersey Cultural community with a central directory where artists, arts & cultural organizations, community cultural groups, festivals, and other cultural assets can find each other and the resources they need to support the vital work they do!

A Cultural Asset is something that has value because of its contribution to a community’s creativity, knowledge, traditions, culture, meaning, and vitality. They can be the places you visit to express your cultural identity, and/or the resources one uses to pursue a creative practice. They can be tangible assets such as cultural facilities, specific buildings, or physical works of art. They can even be intangible and temporal things such as annual events, shared cultural stories, or cultural landmarks and icons that no longer exist. Cultural Assets can also be individual artists, cultural leaders, community groups, or others who actively participate in the arts and culture community.

All cultural assets listed in SJ CAMP receive a basic SJCA membership and digital profile for FREE. If you'd like an expanded profile page like the one featured here and other additional benefits, consider an SJCA paid membership. 

Note: The information you provide will be used ONLY for the purposes of SJ CAMP, building your digital profile, and SJCA membership record.

If you have any questions, please reach out to: or with the following subject line: SJCAMP Profile Form Inquiry.